Can I get an amen?! The sun is shining here in Sacramento and I couldn't be happier! This mama needs sun and energy and happiness, so Lord, please keep the sun on shining! I've been missing my church in Cary, NC (Calvary Chapel shout out!!), but luckily the church gives the public access to their Sunday Sermons. SO HAPPY about that. I love the pastor there and he made learning about Christ so interesting and it would suck me in. So I am starting my mornings with their podcasts and start my days off right!
So far my morning has been productive according to a Stay at Home Mommy to a 2 week old! That's right, 2 weeks old people!! Time is flying by like people said they would. Well, actually, time is flying, but going slow. It seems when the fussiness starts, that's when time drags and all you want is for that little love bug to be in kindergarten already so mama can get some R&R. However, when my little Troy Maximus just lays on his daddy's chest, I am at peace and wish time would slow down.
So, back to the topic - I've been productive. I've taken out Ms. Daisy Mae for her potty walk, I've pumped almost a full bottle (5 ounces), I've fed, changed the baby and put him to bed for his morning nap, I've started a load of laundry, I've taken out the crock pot for the dinner I will be making tonight (you can find out what it is by clicking here), I've made the bed, picked up the bedroom, and I've showered. Later today I'm going on my very first of many mommy walks!! 2 of my girlfriends from high school who just had babies a few months ago, are coming over and we're hitting the biking trails for some mommy R&R walking time with the babes!
So yes, it's been 2 weeks and time is really going by faster than I thought it would. Troy has been a really good baby. He has been fussy the past couple of days, but I figure I'm always gonna have days like that, right? He HATES his diaper and clothes changed. Once he lays on that changing table it's freak out city! I pray to God people can't hear him because I will most likely get the cops called on me. Once he is picked up, he's totally fine. Nick and I have found that if we shower with him he won't fuss as much. He actually seems to like it and it works way better for us because once of us can hold him while the other washes him. Plus, no bloody murder screaming - its a win win!! He is very alert and loves looking around. He can hold is neck up SOOOO good before he bonks it back down on our shoulders. He can turn his neck and tries to climb up my belly when I'm holding him. This week I'm pretty sure is when we start tummy time, so I'll be asking his pediatrician about it tomorrow when we go in for his check up appointment. Since I'm exclusively pumping now, he takes in about 4-5 ounces at a time and then will pass out for another 3-3.5 hours and he's up to eat and be changed again.
Now onto some pics of my little man and my belly that is slowly by surly shrinking!
And the belly!

Glad to hear things are going great!
It sounds like you are having a great day! Troy is so cute. Love those chubby cheeks! And I can't believe how much your belly has shrunk. That's awesome!
Hes a cutie!! The belly is almost gone!
Congrats on your new little boy! He is precious! And you are looking great - I can't believe you just had a baby!
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