Workout this morning consisted of waking up waaaay to late to do anything. So this cold I've had is just now winding down, thank GOD! I have to tell everyone some great news. No, Charlie's wife isn't leaving him, BUT my mom did sign up for sparkepeople! This is great, cause my mom has always said she wants to "do something about her weight", but now that I am blogging about it and I know that she reads my blog, she HAS to stick to it! Last night she was even all gung ho about going on the elliptical while I ran on Tread. We did 15 minutes (** side note and lesson learned: do NOT, I repeat, do NOT eat a heavy meal until it has had a chance to settle at LEAST 45 minutes**) So there we were watching our educational show with the women that I one day aspire to be like...The Real Housewives of the OC. (insert cricket chirp here)
Speaking of crickets, you just gotta love the hot mess that is Lynn.
I'm off to work lovelies, its Friday though which means tonight my mom, sister and I will be loading up my car and their cars full of mine and N's million dollar possessions (insert the BS cough here). I'll TRRRRY and blog tonight!

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