Sorry for the lack of el posto's lovelies. My family has been helping N and I move all day. I mean, up at the bright and early time of 7AM and didn't stop moving until 6pm! Needless to say, we've had a long day, but I'm most def counting the moving HEAVY things up and down 2 flights of stairs as a workout. I can also bet my bottom dollar that every person who helped today, will be waking up so so so sore, but the fun never ends. I am planning on going to church with my mama and sister and bunny boo (niece to those newbies), and then coming back over to my mom and dad's to go shopping in their cupboards :) Trust me, I plan on jacking more stuff than Winona Ryder on a shopping trip. She was just practicing for a new role people!
So I will be back and ready tomorrow night and if your lucky, I'll be posting some pics of the new crib.
Stay beautiful lovelies!

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