Lets talk inspirational people, shall we? The Biggest Loser starts this Tuesday!! I cannot wait!! Repeat: Cannot wait! I LOVE The Biggest Loser and if anything, it keeps my butt in gear all winter long. Just for reference, let me share with you my own biggest loser transformation
Before (Me in High School)
And After (about 1.5 months ago)
I can't believe I just shared my before picture with the whole world, but I want to keep my blog honest so I had to do it. I lost 30 pounds (most of it in 2009), by submerging myself in the world of fitness and nutrition. I am obsessed with it. I counted calories thanks to sparkpeople and had a wonderful support system on it (as well as N and my family and friends-everyone was always very supportive). I lived in the gym and became one of "those" people you look at with disgust because they are dripping every pound on that treadmill and pushing myself so hard on the weight machines.
I heart Biggest Loser SO much that I enlisted myself into the Jillian and Bob boot camp that takes place in my living room or temporary hotel room (see previous posts in July). I am a big believer in the 30 day shred and it will be my go to quick 30 minute DVD when I don't want to make it to the gym. Plus just looking at Jillian is enough motivation to keep my butt moving
Although mostly on the Biggest Loser (and in my mind when I'm running on the treadmill), I see her like this
And lets not forget the wonderful gay deliciousness that is Bob Harper
Now in my living room, I have access to both of these trainers, BUT if I were to go on The Biggest Loser, I'd want Jillian. Bottom Line, Jill wins. All of her contestants have won the money and lost the most weight at the finale of the show. PLUS, I would feel like I could get away with more if I had softy Bob. Bob that gay guy you have over for sleep overs and laugh all night and wake up and he leads you through a killer yoga session followed by a pedicure at the salon. Non the less, these 2 trainers KNOW fitness and what it takes to get YOU in shape. N was MAYJA inspired by the transformations, and he's a tough cookie! I'll let these pics marinate in your mind tonight before you reach for that bowl of ice cream or that last piece of holiday pie
Biggest Loser Eric
Biggest Loser Michelle
Biggest Loser Ali

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