So here it is
This ladies and gents is what my running schedule will look like for the next 8 weeks. I registred for my 10K and it is April 11, 2010 and I am SUPER stoked! It starts at the Sacramento Zoo and we run through gorgeous neighborhoods.
Not too bad to look at, eh? I look at the miles on the schedule and I'm really not worried. I used to run 3.5 miles a day when I first got back to California, so since it looks like I'm going to gradually work my way up, I'm not too scerred....YET! I'm sure when the morning of the 10K hits, I won't be able to leave the bathroom. And since you all are dying to know, yes N will be coming out to support his MILF in training. He's come to each and every one of my 3 5K's.
On top of that, I most def looking forward to conitnuing on with spin clss. Actually to be honest, it's X Bike class. You can read the full definition here
It's the same thing as spin, EXCEPT you burn WAY more calories due to the moving handle bars and the fact that your wheels don't stop spinning when you stop peddeling. And I am not sure about you all, but I look amazingly similar to N's girlfriend- sweaty and ready for the runway
** On a side note, this picture should be plastered on my fridge for those time of the month midnight cravings....just sayin** So my workouts will look a bit like this for the next week or so :
Sundays: Rest
Mondays: Run 2 miles and X Bike class (30 minutes)
Tuesdays: Elliptical for 15 minutes, upper body/back, and abs
Wednesdays: Run 3 miles, lower body
Thursdays: X bike class (30 minutes)
Fridays: Run 1.5 miles and abs
Saturdays: Run 3.5 miles
I want to give a little shout out to my favorite fruit of the season, the Clemintine. Tiny, round, a bit tart, and oh so refresing. I seriously pack my produce drawer with these little babies and when I get the munchies, I down like 3-4 of them in one sitting. If you haven't tried them, it's a must do before you and I can become friends ;)

I really want to run... but when I am running (well learning and training myself to like it) I have never experienced a "runners High" all I think about is the fact that it feels weird, or I start to feel all of my body. It is even worse when I can see myself in a mirror while running in the mommy room at the gym YUCK! Oh and jogging as a breast feeding mom isn't fun either kinda uncomfortable. BUT I better stop whining and get moving because I have to do a 5K for St Patrick's Day and at this point that will take me over an hour! Hey at least I will finish.
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