Did you enjoy that little snap shot of me running in the local ghetto? Those darn pap's....can't a girl get a run in w/out being followed? I have come to a conclusion..I am working out tomorrow! Since I have had this cold from H-E-Double Hockey Sticks, I have not worked out at all & it's gone on long enough! I have been so bummed cause this was NOT how I wanted to start my new year. Eating hasn't been too shabby, but I did have pizza two days in a row. If it helps, it was veggie pizza :) I am so excited for the gym tomorrow. I'm feeling a nice sweaty run and some weights. I'm pretty sure it'll be a lower body weight day. I apologize I am sick. I am one of those sick people who is obsessed with working out and when I can't, I become crazier than JLO's outfit on NYE
I promised to keep you all updated on my 10K race I am going to sign up for and I'm actually going a little crazy over here (what's new right?). I am eyeing a 10K at the local zoo here (thought if I'm gonna run 6.2 miles, I better have great things to look at) and a 5K that's sponsored by Nike and is supposed to have great swag, and then a 3.5 miler in Apple Hill which is AMAZING scenery. I mean running along side vineyards and apple and pumpkin farms. My favorite place by far. Please enjoy the actual photos of where I will be running and please feel free to be jealous

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