Thursday, March 3, 2011

Cardio and Marathon Training

Praise the Lord!! The sun is shining today which means, walk for the little dude and I will be happening, WOOT WOOT!! So ladies, I told you yesterday I'd talk more about my cardio and marathon training. So as I've mentioned, I'll be running a full marathon later this year with my aunt and sister. I'm scared s@*tlesss, but if I have to crawl to that finish line, I'll be completing it. In a previous post, I mentioned I had found my marathon training schedule, however I'm scrapping that and going with a new one.
The other week, I noticed a book in my sisters room called "The Nonrunner's Marathon Guide for Women: Get Off Your Butt and On with Your Training". I opened it and started to read. I was immediately drawn in! The author, is hilarious and makes running those high miles not so scary. She worked with a couple professionals in getting a training schedule since she was a total non runner/couch potato. She even has a schedule if you are looking to do just a halfie. So, I'm copying her marathon training schedule

WHEW!! Gonna be tough, but I've given birth how much more painful is a marathon? I wonder if I can get an epidural for it too?
For my cross training days, I'm thinking XBike of course :) I haven't figured out how and when I'm incorporating my strength training, but I'll keep you all in the loop. Another thing I'm gonna have to tackle is keeping my milk supply up with all those miles, hmmm. Challenges can be good though, right?


Megan Ashley said...

GO YOU!!!!! I started running after Callaway and was losing too much weight and my milk supply dropped, I took your advice from one of your posts and started eating oatmeal. It worked enough, but I ended up having to take a break on working out and running and I started to gain back a few pounds, then my milk came back. Good luck with everything!

Katie said...

Awesome on the marathon and training!! Hope you're having a wonderful time as a new mother (I'm sure you are :D) All the pics are adorable!! and you look great!

Anonymous said...

You go girl! The most I've run lately is on the Free Run on the Wii! Haha! But for a non-runner, that's a big step!

I grabbed your button and linked it on my page. Your new layout is adorable!

.dear.jenny. said...

fantastic!! go get em! just started my own training..and first...for a 5k! looking forward to reading more!