Well ladies it has happened - my 6 week post partum doctor appointment. I prepared myself to hear the worse (that I am only 10lbs down from my delivery day weight), but guess what? I am 7lbs away from my pre pregnancy weight, AY-O! Total, I gained 34lbs and I've lost almost every single one of those el bee's. Even though I'm 7 lbs away from where I was on my 1st appointment, I want to lost 10lbs and tone. I'm hopeful since I'll be starting my workouts ASAP, as in TOMORROW MORNING, EEK! Paired with breast feeding (er, pumping), I'm feelin pretty confident.
Everything else checked out perfectly, all my stitches are gone, and I go back in in about 2 weeks to get my IUD put in. My OB said it's perfectly safe to use for breast feeding and after hearing about all the risks, I still decided it was for me. I'm not wanting anymore babies for at least 2 years. Our plan is to wait until Troy turns 2 years old and then we'll start trying. Although I wouldn't be opposed to starting a couple months shy of Troy's 2nd bday, since we all know it takes 9 months to cook a baby. So there's our plan. Oh and for the waited 6 week post partum belly pic - this is what I'm workin with. I will keep posting pictures, but maybe not once a week. My belly has for the most part gone done due to the baby boy. So now it'll just be weight loss/toning progress. So maybe I'll post once a month? Or just whenever I'm feeling confident :)
Switching up topics, I wanna gag about "poor little victim, Michelle" on The Bachelor - the girls tell all, from last night.

She was a psycho! I don't wanna hear how it was just how her sense of humor is, or she puts so much pressure on herself because she's a single mom. No honey, your crazy and fit for a straight jacket. No one liked you and you talked MAYJA crap behind people's backs, so it's no surprise that you were getting insults hurled at you. End rant.
Oh and how GORGEOUS were Madison (aka vampire girl) earrings?!

Have a FABULOUS Tuesday ladies. Next time you hear from me, I will have hit the gym for the 1st time since my wittle bundle of love was born.
** Okay I can't leave without leaving you all with some pictures of my little dude from yesterday. I am in luuuurve**
Say Hi to all my followers, Mr. Troy Maximus!
"Whatcha talkin' about mom?"
"Hmm...I don't know mom, I'm gonna have to think about this"
"What do you butterflies think about what mom's talkin about?"
wow you look great!
go girl!! Troy looks like a happy camper. :) I SOOOO am with you about Michelle, she is just nuts! Enough said on that one ;) and "fang girl" I think she is c-razy too!
You look great! Awesome job about the only 7 pounds to go! Troy looks adorable. :)
YOu look great! Way to gooooo!
I started working out right at 6 weeks when the OB cleared me... but then I almost lost my milk supply from it.. so now I am just doing crunches, planks, push ups, and some light weights at home ... running was burning so much that my doctor said I would have to stop until Im done BFing or switch to formula.
You look FAB! Ummm lovin' those earrings!
You look great! You are my inspiration for getting back into shape once my little one arrives. Totes agree with you about Michelle! Such cute pics of your baby!
He's too cute. You look awesome!
Wow!!! Your so lucky & yeah you look fabulous!!! I love my Oxygen subscription to BTW. I'm running 20 min without stopping & entered myself in a Warrior Dash next month. It's 3 miles with 12 hellish obstacles. I can't wait. Troy is so cute!! Love your comments with his pictures. So funny!!!
I said the same thing in my post today about Michelle. She can't chalk it up to sarcasm and humor when she was just plain mean!
Karli you look great!! and Troy is sooo cute, it doesnt look so much like a newborn anymore!!
You look great now, 10 pound or not 10 pounds !!
I am curious, what is your height and goal weight?
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