Monday, March 14, 2011

Getting Into The Word

Good morning gorgeous girls! It rained buckets last night which made it soooo tempting to stay in my warm cozy bed with my warm cozy hubbinator, but visions of Mexico danced in my head. 2 months people. TWOOOO months! So it was off to the gym I went for some running and some abs. I ran 2.35 miles in 30 minutes - I'm slowly but surly imprvoing my time ya'll. My goal is in 2 weeks, to be back up to running my 3 miles in 30 minutes. We shall see, we shall see. Abs consisted of 3 sets of hanging knee raises, 3 sets of planks, and 3 sets of weighted toe crunches. I don't need to tell ya'll how much I LOOOVED it! It burned so good.
Now, onto some more spiritual things -

Every weekday morning, I've been tapping into Calvary Chapel Cary (NC)'s podcasts. I've talked about him before, but the pastor there was such a godsend to me. The way he preached and taught drew me in and made me want to listen. He broke things down and related things to real life. Plus he is just plane hilarious. I was baptized by him on May 3rd, 2009 and I've never looked back. I've missed going to that church, but luckily I can still get the word via internet. I've yet to make it to church since Troy has been born -- not okay. Sunday Im going. I NEED to go, and WANT to go. I grew up knowing about God, but I never KNEW Him personally. Of course He knew me, he created me and the Bible tells me so.

"I knew you before I formed you in your mother’s womb." Jeremiah 1:5

So anywhoot - listening to Pastor Rodney, catching up on reading some blogs, when he said something that stuck out to me and is so amazingly true. It hit home, it made me stop in my tracks, it made me LISTEN. He said, "‎I didn't find God, because He wasn't lost. He found me." How true is that?

Have a FABULOUS day girlies!


Annie said...

so exciting you will be in mexico in 2 months!!