It's my day for the 5 miler!! EEEEK!! I have never ever before ran 5 miles at once, so this shall be interesting. I am assuming I will be covered in sweat by the time I step off that treadmill. I wish I could run outside since last weekend was the BEST taste of Spring a girl could ask for, but it is raining. It was the California weather that I looooove in the beginning of the week as well, but alas, I was reminded that it's February pretty quick when the rain clouds came.
I am getting ready with my coffee with sugar free vanilla creamer while I lay here in bed typing and trying to catch up on The Bad Girls Club. Why is it that I am addicted to non educational, mindless shows filled with not so classy people? Hmmm....? Oh and btw, I got a couple of emails from you lovely concerned people whom I love (aka my faithful readers), and the doctor appointment yesterday was just for a physical that every woman should get every year- promise no baby stuff or anything else like that.
Today is a busy one folks and I plan on making it a great one! My goal for today: EAT AS CLEAN as possible! Why this is hard for me to do on the weekends- I have no clue, but I am sticking to my guns (which hurt from yesterday's heavy bench presses), this weekend. Actually, that is the goal this WHOLE weekend- I know more than one of you can relate to me when I say, that when the weekend comes it seems like I just let go of my good eating habits from the week. All week I eat SUPER clean and control my cravings, but when the weekend comes, I get more lax. Now I'm not saying, don't indulge in the hamburger you've been craving (and then get right back on the good eating train), but I seem to just lose that motivation on the weekend. Sorta like "Well, I've been good alllll week, why not treat myself?" Well that's all fine and dandy, but treating myself, can hurt all my progress I killed myself for during the week. So- that's my challenge. I will be sure to fill you all in on Monday. I have a family BBQ to go to on Sunday, so it should be a challenge to stick to a clean eating clan on that one, but I'll do my best.
Off to OWN those 5 miles baby!! Have a splendid weekend cupcakes! (MMMmmm cupcakes!)

Good luck on your five miles! I am pretty sure I would die!
I hope you had a great run!
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