Thursday, February 25, 2010


So yeah. I haven't blogged in the past two days and I do apologize. On Tuesday, it was N's birthday (the big 2-6), and with getting dinner ready and doing cake, I had no time to jump online. Plus, it was his birthday and I wanted the day/night to be all about him (as it should be!). Yesterday there was just no excuse :)

So I'm a little down on myself and I'll tell you why. This week I have worked out Monday and Wednesday and I'm not working out this morning, but will be going Friday and Saturday and even taking a run (while N rides his brand spankin new bike) on the trails on Sunday. That being said, I DO feel kinda disappointed in myself that I didn't go this morning. I've been feeling sorta blah and kinda like I'm coming down with something, but it's mostly nausea, and I just didn't think it'd be best to push myself on Tread this morning. I was really looking forward to having my leg day today too btw, BUT I will do that tomorrow. I know people should have days off, but as you all know, it messes with my head if I don't break a sweat at least once a day. Actually I still may- my friend whom I grew up with his training for her 1st 5K with 2 other friends, and they invited me to meet them after work at the local junior high school to run the track. I am seriously considering this possibility depending how I feel when 5pm rolls around. I never get to run with friends either, so this might actually work out perfectly-I'll be sure to fill you in tomorrow AM.

I am actually really excited for mine and N's little run/ride on Sunday. The weather is supposed to be gorgeous, and not this cold grey stuff we've been having for what seems years! It'll actually be a farther run too- at least 3.5 miles. Not bad for a day that's supposed to be my "off day". I just love being active outside and since we had the last taste of Spring last week, I REALLY want to run outside. Maybe if I show you some pics of the trail, you'll understand.

Oh and while we are on the topic of exercise, I love how now (opposed to when I was just on a "diet" in HS), if I have an off day, I can turn it around and tomorrow will be a new day. Or if I eat some birthday cake (hey don't judge, it was homemade), I can just be fine with 1 piece and not beat myself up about it. Just get back on Tread the next morning. This is a LIFESTYLE. I get people telling me how amazed they are with my dedication and I just have to tell them, it's because it's my LIFESTYLE...not a little part in my life that will one day change. No, I want to live a healthy life and a strong and fit life, that is why I do what I do and will keep on doing it.

Have a WONDERFUL Thursday lovelies! We have almost made it to Friday, and is it me or has this week gone by really fast? I'm not complaining at all, just sayin.



A said...

The trail looks AMAZING and gorgeous. It's snowy here and I cannot wait to be able to run outside again...treadmills are so bor-ing!