So yeah. I haven't blogged in the past two days and I do apologize. On Tuesday, it was N's birthday (the big 2-6), and with getting dinner ready and doing cake, I had no time to jump online. Plus, it was his birthday and I wanted the day/night to be all about him (as it should be!). Yesterday there was just no excuse :)
So I'm a little down on myself and I'll tell you why. This week I have worked out Monday and Wednesday and I'm not working out this morning, but will be going Friday and Saturday and even taking a run (while N rides his brand spankin new bike) on the trails on Sunday. That being said, I DO feel kinda disappointed in myself that I didn't go this morning. I've been feeling sorta blah and kinda like I'm coming down with something, but it's mostly nausea, and I just didn't think it'd be best to push myself on Tread this morning. I was really looking forward to having my leg day today too btw, BUT I will do that tomorrow. I know people should have days off, but as you all know, it messes with my head if I don't break a sweat at least once a day. Actually I still may- my friend whom I grew up with his training for her 1st 5K with 2 other friends, and they invited me to meet them after work at the local junior high school to run the track. I am seriously considering this possibility depending how I feel when 5pm rolls around. I never get to run with friends either, so this might actually work out perfectly-I'll be sure to fill you in tomorrow AM.
I am actually really excited for mine and N's little run/ride on Sunday. The weather is supposed to be gorgeous, and not this cold grey stuff we've been having for what seems years! It'll actually be a farther run too- at least 3.5 miles. Not bad for a day that's supposed to be my "off day". I just love being active outside and since we had the last taste of Spring last week, I REALLY want to run outside. Maybe if I show you some pics of the trail, you'll understand.
Oh and while we are on the topic of exercise, I love how now (opposed to when I was just on a "diet" in HS), if I have an off day, I can turn it around and tomorrow will be a new day. Or if I eat some birthday cake (hey don't judge, it was homemade), I can just be fine with 1 piece and not beat myself up about it. Just get back on Tread the next morning. This is a LIFESTYLE. I get people telling me how amazed they are with my dedication and I just have to tell them, it's because it's my LIFESTYLE...not a little part in my life that will one day change. No, I want to live a healthy life and a strong and fit life, that is why I do what I do and will keep on doing it.
Have a WONDERFUL Thursday lovelies! We have almost made it to Friday, and is it me or has this week gone by really fast? I'm not complaining at all, just sayin.

The trail looks AMAZING and gorgeous. It's snowy here and I cannot wait to be able to run outside again...treadmills are so bor-ing!
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