Hello are you beautiful GORGEOUS bloggies out there! Are you all bright eyed and bushy tailed this morning? I never got that expression when my mom would say it - it's like "hellllooo..I'm NOT a rodent that likes to irritate dogs by throwing acorns at them". I am one happy clam this morning- I got my coffee in bed and I am gearing up for a long run while N rides his brand spankin new bday bike next to me. I will take some pics with my iphone along the way to share with you guys. I just took Daisy Mae out to go potty and it's absolutley GORGEOUS outside and I am so looking forward to getting out there and getting active. The rest of this week is supposed to be crap as far as weather goes, so I'm taking full advantage of it today. Get that Vitamin D baby! Operation Fittess Possible before babies is still in full swing.
I am very excited to start my two-a-days on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays (still unsure if I'm going to run on Fridays with the girls). Like I said in the previous post, there is just something about working out with friends that takes away the dread in running twice in one day. I mean, who doesn't love gabbing it up with the girls on the track? Catching up on the latest gossip while workin on that fitness.
So, what are your Sunday plans? Do you prefer to get a leg up on the upcoming week's workout, or do you just like to relax? Because I know I could use some motivation when that mile 4 comes up today and I'll need a little push when I wanna stop, here are some celebs workin it like the maniacs they are!

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