Howdy and Welcome to Friday!! I am SO happy it's Friday- this week seems like it went so slow, even though it was a short week at work. My Friday is actually going to be a short one cause this lady has a doctors appointment for a checkup at 3:30, so I gotta leave a little before 3 from work. I have never been to this doctor before, so I'm sorta anxious. I always get super anxious when anything somewhat big is happening, it's so silly and I hate it, cause I get the WORSE butterflies which makes my stomach not so happy.
Today's workout consisted of upper body strength training. My stomach was a little upset this morning, so there was no running for me. I never do strength training before running, so it was actually refreshing to switch it up a bit. If you ever feel you are in a rut with your workouts, or just want to try something new, try doing your routine backwards or adding some of those machines your intimidated by. I promise you won't regret it :)
I hope you all have a fabulous Friday!

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