Yes- February- the month of love(or maybe just lust?) and meeting goals!! This morning, I stayed true to the name "Monday Madness". I got up at the bright and early time of 4:40AM which is so hard to do since N doesn't have to work Monday's. Honestly, I didn't want to get up- last week was killa' at the gym and I only had 1 rest day, which was yesterday. (NOTE TO ALL YOU WORRIED READERS: I will be cutting it down to working out 5 days a week instead of 6 after VDAY). BUT you know what I told myself and it totally worked? I told myself "Your going to be so mad if you don't wake up-you never regret going, only NOT going". I tell you- something about that little pep talked totally worked.
So I accomplished my 2.5 mile run, my push strength training workout and tonight I am going to X Bike. It's a total love hate with Monday Madness because it's hard (and I don't LOVE hard work) but I love it because #1, I kick start my week in a huge way with workouts, #2, I enjoy that high I get from kicking my butt at the gym.I walk out of there with my head held high (covered in sweaty hair mind you), and know that I just accomplished something that 1.5 years ago, I would have made every excuse not to.
Have a GREAT Monday lovelies. Reach for your goals and make them a reality. Need some motivation? Download a couple of Jillian Michaels podcast. Their free and I promise she'll make you want to make today count! Click here to go to the page for her podcasts

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