Well my workout this morning consisted of......arm reaches to the alarm clock to hit snooze...A LOT! I'm exhausted! Now before you get allll judgemental on me, I have to tell you, I was in a food/skinny girl margarita induced coma. I ate waaaaay too much yesterday. I can't even tell you how much I ate, because after the 2nd margarita, I sorta just spaced out and ate the stuff just so I could munch. I only had 3 (skinny girl) margaritas, so I can't be too hard on myself, but lets just say that it's a good thing I worked out so hard on Saturday. So I'm not feeling up to par this morning, BUT I am hoping that by the time I leave work today, I'll feel mucho better so I can go to X Bike- I feel guilty after eating all that food to use today as a 'rest' day, when really, I don't need to rest today since Sunday's are my rest day. So we will see- my stomach still isn't feeling too happy.
Moving on to more positive things- this week is going to be AWESOME! I know this week is going to be super busy at work for me. I have a ton of filing to do today. Friday was a lot of pulling different documents and scanning and copying them for people, so now I have to put the originals back in their folders. Can we say, it's a wear flats sorta day? I have never really been a fan of flats either since I used to think my legs looked stumpy without some sort of lift. I have to confess too that going to work at a place that let's you wear jeans, cute/dressy top, and flats is WAY better than the business casual black dress pants, heels and a dressy top. My feet feel a lot better now that I'm not wearing heels all day (Hello Captain Obvious Karli).
For once, I am really excited it's a Monday. There is something about starting a new week, that gives people hope to doing better or restarting their goals. Today, it's about giving all I can in the gym. This next Sunday is my anniversary AND it's a long weekend, so I want to look super dooper fit! And since I did enough carb munching last night, my plan (that has worked for me before), is: #1- stick to my workouts and lift as heavy as I can go for 3 sets of 10 reps (that last set really helps when it comes to results-just a little tip-a-roo), eat CLEAN CLEAN this whole week including dinner! I will also be cutting out carbs in the evening when I get home unless they are in veggie/fruit form. So there you have it folks- the plizan!
Have a GREAT and PRODUCTIVE Monday you guys!

Haha, this first line made me smile. So cute! And I just realized you're a receptionist; me too! I work in a law firm, and so I meet all kinds of crazy people. LOL
Oh how funny that your a receptionist too! Yeah I bet working in a law office you meet a lot of different kinds of people :) I really enjoy being a receptionist, even tho I complain about it sometimes :D
Monday, MONDAY!! ACK! lol they are always iffy!!;)
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