So- here we are- Monday-once again, a start of another work week. But you know what?! That's more dough in your pocket, so really we shouldn't be complaining, right? Right!
So like I promised, I have a recap of my eating this weekend & my 5 mile run!! The run was actually really therapeutic. I don't think I've sweat that much in my life at once, EVER! Not even in XBike. At about mile 3.23 (but who was looking at the counter on the treadmill, right? hehe), I wanted to walk sooooooooooooo bad. I wanted to just jump on the side of Tread and stop and call it good. But do you know what happened? I looked down on my iphone and there was a text from N telling me exactly what I needed to hear. I won't tell you in exact detail, BUT I will tell you, he knew the right words to keep me running. So there you have it- need motivation? Get yourself an N :)
As for eating clean this weekend- I give myself a B-. I didn't do too shabby, but there were a couple things I could have done better. Saturday was really good, only had 1 serving of dinner and had a SMALL glass of chocolate soy milk for dessert. Sunday we had a family BBQ, complete with pasta salad, spinach dip, and those Costco polish dogs. For dessert- a double chocolate cake from Costco, and it was uh-mazing! Thank GOD I'm not a diabetic, cause that bad boy would have slipped me right into a coma for sure. I SHOULD have had a smaller piece, but to my credit, the piece I had wasn't even that big, BUT I coulda made it smaller for sure. I did however, only eat the frosting (HEHE), and throw the actual cake away. I believe nutritionist everywhere are yelling at me, telling me I got it backwards- when I should have thrown away the icing and kept the cake, BUT oh well.
This morning I was NOT wanting to wake up- my throat hurt a little bit and I just didn't FEEL LIKE running. How's that an excuse for you? I don't "feel like" running, but I also don't feel like feeling like a blob later at my desk, wishing I had run. So- I got up, threw my clothes on, threw my hair up, and faced the day. I worked my ass those 2.23 miles (that chocolate cake was weighing me down for sure!), and pumped some iron (upper body day). Speaking of which, Oxygen's March issue just came out, and there is month 3 of the body makeover program, and I'm seriously thinking of switching my routine up, and going with that one. It's always good to mix things up, and right now, my upper body routine is feeling a little vanilla to me. So-I'm sure there will be more on that later :)
I leave you with a quote that I saw in this month's Oxygen, and actually really like. Make it a great day beautifuls! Your worth it, your gorgeous, now OWN IT!!
"Whether you think you can or you think you can't, your're right"- Henry Ford
and just cause it's Monday and we all need a push (and Jamie Eason is GORGEOUS)& to me, this is the ultimate fit body...

Great job with the running and for getting out there even when you didn't feel like it!
Just wanted to say I love your blog title mate! So true, so true! Was thinking about that today. Enjoy the journey!
All my best!
Way to go on your run...I think in your pic your body looks exactly like hers! That makes me need to go for a run haha!
Probably the most amazing thing I've heard in awhile Taylor! Your the best ;)
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