Happy Saturday all you lovely weekenders! I am currently in my comfy memory foam bed all cozy with a cup of coffee catching up on everyones blogs. Since you all know what I'm doing this weekend due to my previous blog, I thought I'd take the time to answer a few questions and be completely honest (Take note Tiger Woods, Charlie Sheen, Jesse James, and all you other cheating boys)

I took this from Jersey Blonde
1 - Why did you start blogging?
Cause my family was 3,000 miles away at the time and I thought it'd be a great way to stay in touch and they could read about my exciting and thrilling life (*laying on the sarcasm).
2 - Who's the one blog friend that you would want to meet most in "real life"?
Hmmm...that's a toughy, I'd love to meet them all! I don't like to play favorites :)
3 - Why are you always concerned with losing that "extra 10 pounds" when chances are your husband/boyfriend/friends tell you that you look just fine the way you are?
Because it's not all about other people..sometimes (okay, a lot of the time), it's about ME and how I feel in my own skin :) I'm actually confident in how I look right now, but I am really trying to tone up as much as possible before bikini weather comes. The thought of walking around half naked will make any woman want to pass on that cheesy pizza (mmmmmmmmmmmmm)
4 - What's the one thing you wish guys could understand about you?
Shopping is something females like to do just like guys like to watch football, baseball, golf, hockey, etc. It's the best destresser. Stop commenting on the shopping and just let me be :) <----------store some of this answer from Jersey Blonde, just because she was dead on! :) 5 - Tattoos. How many do you have and how many are visible when you wear your "everyday" clothes? Well none of mine are visible in my everyday clothes, unless it's summer and you can usually see at least 1 of them. I have 2 tattoo's 1 on my lower back, it's a largish girly fairy. I say girly cause some women get those goth looking fairies. Not me, she has blonde hair with brownish streaks (like I had during the time of my tattoo), and she's in a pink bikini type of outfit with sparkles around her. And it's NOT a tramp stamp, you gotta be a tramp to get it, and I'm a lady thanks very much. My other one is of a pink and purple shooting star on top of my left foot. I already have my next tattoo planned. This picture is exactly where and what I want: Alis volat propriis. It's Latin for "She Flies With Her Own Wings"

6 - What was the best year of your life and why?
Oh man..hmmm..I'd have to say 2004. I graduated HS, and that's when Nick and I started talking. I had horrible habit of falling for the wrong guys, and I was tangled up in some drama with a bad crowd, so he sort of rescued me from it all. He was good for me from day #1. It's so rare to find a guy who won't break your heart. The fact he was a Marine was just icing on the cake baby...if you've never seen a Marine in cammies...your missing out :) It was December 2004, that Nick got stationed back into the states (San Diego), and we started our lives as a married couple shortly after

7 - Name three things you would do if you were a man for one day.
haha, I'd wake up, take my 5 minute shower (no need to shave my legs, arm pits, etc), look in the closet and grab a clean shirt and pants in 2 minutes, and be out the door.
8 - What's your alcoholic drink of choice that usually raises a few eyebrows?
haha, I think my alcoholic drink of choice is very popular amongst people my age. When Nick and I have gone out to clubs with friends, I get my Sugar free red bull and vodka, but if I'm just kicking back, a skinny girl margarita please :)

hi :) i was just wondering what font your writting is for your next tattoo "alis volat propriis" is? i really like the style of writting. thanks :)
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