I hope your weekends are going fabulous so far! I've had a very lovely one, and I'm hoping tonight Nick and I head on over to Home Depot, cause it's the one thing I really wanna do this weekend. *note: that sounded so wifely of me..who knows any 23 year olds that are dying to get to Home Depot on their weekend?* Oh and PS, I noticed we have a pack of hummingbirds that like to come on our porch! It made me so excited, so I'm adding a humming bird feeder to the "to get" list.
Juliana over at "A blonde walks into a blog", is giving away Arbonne products. She has reviewed a few and I think it's a great giveaway. Like I've mentioned in another one of my posts, I have had great luck with the sunless tanner. I HIGHLY recommend you enter this giveaway. Their products are 110% natural, which is great if your very particular on what you use on your body, or if your like me, and wishing to get pregnant.
Check it out by going to her blog here

Thanks for the plug!! I'm a new follower of you.
YAY!!! Thanks for following :) I am hoping I get my number picked for the giveaway with your products :)
Well Arbonne isn't 100% natural... they do have a few trace amounts of preservatives but they are pure SAFE and beneficial.
I had to say it bc I don't want people to get the wrong Idea if they learned that it wasn't. They are great products though. I love the Sunless tanner I use it right before I go on a vacation. Then I look sunkissed and I know the sun will be kissing me more in person :D
I also love the FC5 line I have combination skin and their Oil-Absorbing lotion is amazing!
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