No kidding, I am thrilled it's Wednesday! It marks the middle of the week, and it means we are super close to Friday. It also means it's XBIKE class today after work, WOO HOO! I am really looking forward to a good sweat session since I haven't broken a real sweat since...FRIDAY!! I have gone to the gym 1 time since Friday, EEEK! Nick and I didn't do our run/ride this weekend, so I've been craving some sweat, haha!
So workouts for this week will/have looked like this:
Sunday: Nada
Monday: Nada
Tuesday: Upper body weights for 30 minutes
Wednesday: XBIKE - 30 minutes
Thursday: 30 minutes running (roughly 3 miles) and abs/back workouts
Friday: still unsure if I'm going Friday - if I do, it'll be straight running
Saturday: Shred in the AM, followed by some cardio at the gym :)
So I'm half way through the Biggest Loser from last night (thank God for DVR's), and it's so dang motivating. I feel like a major slacker sometimes after watching those people go through those intense workouts. I mean, they are SWEATIN!Dripping every calorie on the gym floor! Oh and what about all those people they were running that 5K with in Texas? Some of their stories were so real, and when they crossed the finish line crying, I couldn't help but shed a tear for them. I was just so happy, cause it reminded me a lot of me when I was in HS. I mean, I wasn't nearly as big as them, but I remember FEELING that big and self concious, which in turn led me down the wrong path with the guys I chose. So bottom line: if you wanna get motivated to drop those oreos- WATCH SOME BIGGEST LOSER.
KARLI'S TIP OF THE DAY: When your on the treadmill/elliptical/stationary bike/on the trails, and you feel like you want to quit, just imagine those BL contestants and what THEY can accomplish. I personally like to think of Jillian or Bob encouraging me and telling me how far I've already come and not to stop :)
Have a beautiful day people!!

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