Am I the only one who stares at the clock all day EVERY Friday, counting the minutes down until the weekend starts?! Luckily, I get off at 4, so I only have 4.5 more hours and 1 of those hours, I will be on my lunch break, HA!
I don't know about you all, but my weekend is packed with stuff! Fun stuff, but still pretty packed. Here is the run down: Nick got tomorrow off (for being a rockstar of course), so we will be going to the gym in the AM. Since my 10K is on Sunday, I will be gliding my bootay on the elliptical for 30 minutes next to my personal Marine (not included in the monthly gym membership fee, hehe). Then I have to drop Ms. Daisy Mae off at Petsmart for a little grooming and nail trimming appointment cause that girl stinks and her nails are very long (I am ashamed!). Then I am rushing around to do some grocery shopping, then back to pick up Daisy, then back home to clean our dirty apartment that needs a vacuum like no other! Theeeeen later that night it's off to dinner for my sister's bday celebration. She's been in NC dealing with her SOON to be EX husband (PRAISE GOD!!!!), so we couldn't celebrate on her actual birthday.
We all know what happens 10K!!!!!!!!!! I gotta be there at 7 spankin AM! My mom is gonna come with me cause I don't wanna go by myself (Nick has to work), and I think my sister will be dragged along too. I think it'll be fun cause afterwards we are hitting up breakfast and I'm not sure where we are going, but I'm wanting a nice omelet that looks something like this:
DROOOOOL. Oh and the pooper of the weekend is brought to you by the weather. It's supposed to be crappy, ESPECIALLY on the day of my race. I've never ran in the rain so it should be interesting. Maybe I'll like it? Maybe not so much...
Following the monsoon run and belly warming bfast, I am skippin over to Bestie Bon Bon's for her baby shower. She is pregnant with baby/little girl #2 and I always enjoy a good baby shower. Especially with former co-workers (who I liked!) and delicious sweets!! Pics to follow I'm sure :)

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