Day 4: Tips/Tricks to a Budget Friendly Holiday Season
Well since I just finished my Christmas shopping for EVERYONE (snaps for me!), I would recommend shopping sales. You don't have to go on out on Black Friday like I did to find the sales, but ad surfing is a great way to find the sales. First, make a list with everyone's names on it that you need to shop for, write down what it is that you want to get people and grab the ads and computer. If I don't see what I want in an ad, I will go to a stores website (like and look to see how much they sell the product for. That's when I set a challenge for myself to find the best deal! I go on, search for the item, and look who has the best price. If it's an online store, I'l even google to see if I can find a coupon for that store.
To be totally honest, I don't know what I'm getting people until I see something in an ad or in a store. Another thing to consider - a store online maybe have the same or 5-10 dollar cheaper asking price for an item. If you see the item at say Target or Kohls, look at their specials. A lot of the time (Kohls is famous for this) depending on how much you spend, you will get $10-$15 voucher to use in the store. Today, Target had that sorta sale goin on - I got my bunny boo's Christmas gift and it was offering a $10 gift card with the purchase of this certain game. So it was a great deal! Then if I spent over $100 (who DOESN'T spend over $100 at Target?), then I get another $10 gift card. BAM! $20 to use next time.
Another great gift/budget friendly gift I love, is homemade gifts. There are so many different cookie exchanges you can do, or even homemade popcorn/cookie mix jars that can be a lot more meaningful as well as easier on the wallet.

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