Holy moly life has been busy for me. Mostly work has been busy so from the time I get into the office to the time I leave, I have zero time to blog and by the time I leave I hit the gym, make dinner, eat, visit, and we go to bed. Updates on moi - eating has been a challenge. I want to eat SO much more than I do, but I am unable to do so due to a certain little someone in my belly taking up all the space. At the moment my stomach is SOOOO uncomfortably tight and I last ate at 1:30 (it's 3pm now) and all I had was a small-medium size salad w/1 cup of apple slices and water. I want to eat so bad, but can't. Oh and with the little man doing his own yoga class in there, every time he stretches, my ribs and my sternum get a nice rub. By nice I mean SORE. I know, I know, he's only gonna get bigger, right?
Another random update - what the HECK is up with all these celebrities!? People are either breaking up, getting engaged, or getting pregnant. Don't believe me? Lets run down the list shall we?
Prince William and (soon to be Princess) Kate Middleton <---- I had the biggest crush on him. Until he started to bald and started to resemble his father more and more. He seems like he has Diana's personality though, so Kate's one lucky lady. I'm still unsure how I feel about her wearing his dead mother's engagement ring to the guy who had an affair (I don't care if there is proof or not, he did!), and died tragically. However, your speech with how it's your way to keep your mom apart of the excitement I understood and respect, so carry on!
Nick Lachey and Vanessa Millano - ENGAGED
Jessica Simpson and Eric Johnson - ENGAGED <---- I give 2 years tops. I'm sorry, but it was just WAY to fishy for your ex to pop the question to the girl he's been with for years, and then the guy your with for 5 months to pop the question to you? Sorry Jessica, as much as I love your 'I don't care what people think' attitude, I think your bound for a life like Jennifer Aniston
Cary Hart and Pink - PREGGO
Rachel Zoe - PREGGO <----- I hope she eats!
Mariah Carey and Nick Cannon - PREGGO (but we already knew that months ago!)
Brian Austin Greene and Megan Fox - SPLIT <---- I just heard this a couple hours ago, no surprise. I give them 2-3 more months and their back together. Supposedly BAG says the fame got to his bag of bones wifey's head. Please sweetheart, your a horrible actress, the only reason your relevant is cause people like to look at you
Eva Longoria Parker and Tony Parker - SPLIT <---- I don't really like her
Christina Aguilera and Jordan whatshisface <----- I DID NOT see this coming at all. They really seemed like that 'Naked Sunday' she always talked about was working for them
I could go on all day ladies, but you get the point. There is something in that water, so I'm happy I'm living upstream from it all if ya know what I mean.
Hope you are all having a fabulous hump day dolls!

I use to have a huge crush on him too...until he started to bald and started to look like his dad. :)
I dont really like Eva either but I didnt see that split coming... they were both on Ellen recently and so lovey dovey. And Pink pregnant... after they got divorced. Strange. Lots of craziness going on
dead on w/the megan fox bit...
I haven't heard anything about Megan and Brian Austin Green, but I wouldn't doubt it at all.
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