It's already November 7th! I know, I sound like I'm trying to hurry this year up (can you blame me?), but it's true. This year is almost over and we are already into the 7th day of November! Talk of Thanksgiving plans are already going on between my mom, sister and I. Last year we had everyone over at my mom and dad's house and that was just fine with me. My aunt is going to be in town, so it'd be great to see her and everyone be in just one cozy location. I suggested to my mom we do a Thanksgiving where everyone brings a dish. I insisted I make the mashed potatoes, my sister has insisted she makes a healthy green bean casserole she found, so I think it'd be a brilliant way to celebrate without putting the stress of cooking on one person. After Thanksgiving, there is Christmas, EEK! My FAVORITE (but you all already knew that). I would go as far in saying that I like Christmas more than Ms. Britney Spears likes her daily Starbucks runs. Yup, I'm THAT confident.
This got me to thinking about Christmas cards. A MUST in the California Dreamin household and I need to get on them ASAP. We did them last year and my other half wrote a letter to everyone informing them what has happened with us in the past year, and exciting things to come the following year. We even made it a shnazzy thing to do, and went to our local Picture People to get our holiday pics taken. So THAT got me thinking about if/when I'm going to do maternity pics. To be honest, I don't want to spend the money. Rather, I hate the thought of spending $150-$250 on pics that DO look beautiful, I am just cheap. So I've enlisted my sister to take some pics of me, hopefully next weekend, on some pretty country property near my parents house. I saw one of my girlfriends (who just had her beautiful daughter last week!) pics and I love the country theme behind it. While I was day dreaming about my Maternity "make me look like Heidi Klum" pics, I got to thinking how Nick and I need to take a couple shots for our Christmas cards. I'm fine with something simple, Fall themed and straight to the point. I picture us in front of a tree with all it's pretty fall colors and calling it good.
I went to Shutterfly's website to price a few things and actually stumbled upon this forum with an offer Shutterfly is announcing. This awesome offer - 50 free Christmas cards for bloggers! Click here to go there now and enroll your blog, because 50 FREE Christmas cards is a great offer. And who doesn't love to save some money, especially around the holidays?!

Holler! I signed up for this today too. I love it!
Haha I love those pictures of BS... I hope her crazy days are over!
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