Bronchitis! Sexy, isn't it? I thought that same thing when the doctor told me that this morning. It makes sense and it's what I thought I had. This cough just will not go away. She said since I am an asthmatic and it's a bacterial infection, she wants to go ahead and treat it with Zithromax (aka Zpack) and it won't harm Mr. Troy Maximus whatsoever. I came back to work and read as many articles to see if she was right, and they all say it's fine. I'm going to call my OB just to give me the final okay. My doctor said that if I don't take anything it could turn into something worse and with it being a bacterial infection, it could hurt Troy if I didn't take anything. So, I'll take it (but only after I get the okay from my OB!).
Last night my other half (aka my baby daddy) and I went to tour the labor and delivery unit at the hospital I will be delivering at. There was about 15 of us and I think I might have been the only one w/out a constant beaming obnoxious smile on their face. Don't get me wrong, I am ECSTATIC about having my little man and I love him more than anything I could have imagined, but seeing the room and SEEING the bio hazard bag where my possible poo will be dropping into it -- it was just so REAL! Looking at all of the machines and monitors...AHHH!!! I am enjoying every second when Troy moves around and feeling his little punches get stronger, but I don't think it ever really occurred to me that I have to push him out. I have done everything physically possible to make that easier on me and him -- I've worked out before pregnancy like a mo fo, I'm still working out like a preggo mo fo, and I'm eating really well. So I shouldn't be nervous, right? RIGHT! The labor and delivery rooms themselves are HUGE. I was really surprised at all the room you got in there. The nurse who gave us the tour (who I hope helps deliver Troy, she was really nice, warm and informative), told us that she has seen 12 people in those rooms. *Side note: no way in Haiti's would I want that many people there. This isn't a AA meeting people, this is me going full monty trying to bring someone into the world* There were a couple other nurses at the nurse station with welcoming smiles and I even saw a doctor who is a possibility for delivering Troy. My OB has 6 other doctors in her practice and they rotate nights they are working and are on call. Small world cause he in fact delivered my Bunny Boo about 11 years ago. I even have a girlfriend who had him deliver both of her babies and I've heard nothing but great things. Then on to the postpartum room we went. Small, cozy, has a bed and a place for Nick to sleep :) I'll be in there for 48 hours which I'm actually happy about because I want to take full advantage of the nurses and the help that will be provided for as long as I can.
Next up on the 'baby to do' list is our baby birthing classes which start on the 29th :) BRING IT!!
Happy Veterans day and Happy almost Friday!!

oh no! hope you get to feeling better soon! the birthing classes are an experience. just wait til they pop in the videos...
Girl Troy has been sucking you dry of healthy status.. But I guess that's part of being preggo. Ooh you'll have to tell me which hospital your going to I am switching health insurance and I was wondering what a good hospital was in Sac.
TMI - Bio hazard poo bag? I almost want to google this.
I didn't take any classes or visit the hospital before birth. Isn't that horrible of me? I still don't know if I pooped on the table. I told my husband to never tell me if I did.
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