How far along? 35 weeks, woah baby! Our baby will be full term in 2 weeks, holy moly! I'm not sure if we're ready for this haha
Baby's size? My ultrasound on Monday said Troy Maximus is tipping the scale at 5lbs, but those things can always be off. They also couldn't get his length, but according to, he's around 18 inches long and I believe it. The way he is laying, I can feel his little feet on my sides past my hip bones!
Weight Gain? Well I was off telling you guys what I've been gaining cause according to my doctor, I've only gained 22lbs. BUT I know for a fact I gained weight prior to my very 1st appointment. Total, I think I've gained about 25-26lbs.
Stretch marks? Only the ones I've always had on my hips, none on the belly. I will forever add that EVOO to my Buddha belly.
Belly button in or out? Depends how the little man is laying, but for the most part it's out. It's just not one of those button outies. If I wear a tight tank top, you can see it popping out :)
Sleep? I love it, but it's hard to stay comfortable throughout the whole night. I'm actually getting to that point in pregnancy where all I wanna do is sleep. Especially once 1pm or 2 hits
Foods I am loving? Anything and everything. It's still sweets as my #1 craving, that's for sure.
Foods I am hating? Nada - put it in front of me, and I'll eat it
Best moment this week? My baby shower!! It was so much fun, and I still need to get more pics up for you all to see, but their on my sister and mom's camera. Also getting to see our little man on the ultrasound. He is so stinkin cute, but I am biased and I've only seen the ghost like ultrasounds - I can't imagine seeing him in the flesh!
Movement? Oh yes. A lot of rolls and kicks on my sides and right underneath my belly button. In fact, he is moving about as I type this :) Sometimes he does this shimmy, like he is trying to nestle down and get comfy - his daddy does the same thing!
Symptoms? At this stage, and this past week I have had - lower back pains, tiredness to the max, hunger to the max, thirst to the max, my belly is getting heavier to carry, and some more tiredness :P In fact, my original plan was to wait until December 30th to be my last day before I take leave, but it might just be that week of Christmas is my last week.
Gender? Still a boy! I had the technician verify this and we have a nice clear shot that they call the "turtle shot" haha
What I miss? Sleeping on my stomach, being able to get out of the car without having to heave myself out, running. My little man is worth it :)
What I will miss? Feeling Troy kick. Also craving a whole cheesecake to myself and Nick not looking at me like I'm crazy
What I'm looking forward to? Putting away all of his things, getting his room all ready for him. Giving into my nesting once I go on Maternity leave
Weekly Wisdom: Rest as much as you can and put your feet up or else your ankles will swell.
Milestone: Nearing the end!
Emotions: Just tired, a little irritable and uber nesty feeling

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