I can't believe it is already Winter 2010! I am so bummed I missed the eclipse last night. I heard it was killer. Or how about the fact that Christmas is in 3 days! Well, today is pretty much over, so it's safe to say it's in 3 days and not 4. I am so ready for a nice long weekend - I get a nice long 4 day weekend, woo hoo! I plan on eating, visiting, laughing, and being Merry.
I got this idea from Run for the Bikini's page. I've been so thankful (and ecstatic!) that I have just about 100 followers, and am thrilled I have that many people that will read my lame jokes and workout (and now baby) updates. So what will 2011 bring you may ask? Pretty exciting things -
* My journey as a young new mama and the challenges I will face (Please God, I hope I don't have THAT many challenges). I am sure I will be MIA for the first week or two once Troy Maximus is born, but I promise to update as much as I can. Even if that's with 1 hand during midnight feedings. This includes keeping my relationship with the hubbs fun and exciting (Sounds challenging with a new born, no?)
*My journey back into my regular body, ha! Now this will be the entertaining part for you all. Me finding time in a busy newborns schedule to get my "me" time, even if that means if I pop in a quick 30 minute Jillian Michaels dvd while he's napping (if I'm not napping, cleaning, eating LOL).
* MORE WORKOUT TIPS! Before pregnancy, I had more "Karli's tip of the day" with workout tips. I will be including professional tips as well as putting those tips to use. I am planning on my "Operation MILF" body starting with Oxygen magazines month to month plan. <----- this could not have come at a better time. Oxygen magazine has the best plans that I've had great luck with in the past (No, I'm not being paid or bribed (for the right price though...) to say this).
* My training to run my 1st full marathon at the end of 2011. I STILL can't believe I told the crazy women in my family I'd do this with them. I'll be able to flaunt that famous "26.2" sticker on the back of my car.
* More random goodness especially when those silly celebs do something crazy.

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