So yesterday I had my 34 week ultrasound. When I went into my appointment on Friday to see my OB, she did the pelvic to the top of the uterus measurement and said she thought I was measuring a little small. She told me it wasn't an emergency, but she wanted to go ahead and order an ultrasound so we could get a more approximate due date and size of the little man. Ever since Friday, I have been a crazy worry wart. I am very blessed to have the people in my life that I do, because all their words of comfort really helped. I got my first TINY SMIDGE dose of what it'll be like as a parent - constant worry. I was worried my workouts, while often, but not too intense, were keeping him small, I was worried I wasn't eating enough, I was worried that something in general was wrong with him. So again I say, I am blessed to have certain people in my life to calm me down and remind me I've done everything possible to keep my baby healthy and out of harms way and everything was in God's hands. Sounds so final, but it did bring me comfort. Anywhoot- yesterday was the ultrasound. I loaded up my bladder to the brim (and then some) so they could get a good shot of him. We had the same ultrasound technician as last time which was good because she was amazing and even let me empty my bladder pretty much to empty before she started pushing on it. After a few measurements of his head (which looks nice and healthy in my opinion) and his abdomen, and my amniotic fluid levels, we got to see his little face. Here is the original picture:
Now, I can totally see his face! He's laying on the side of it with his two hands clasped together under his chin - ADORABLE! BUUUUT, there are some people (hello mom) who can't see it. So I made a little outline for you all:
Unfortunately, she couldn't get a profile picture from how he was laying. Which by the way is in transverse position - mama no likey. He has about 2-2.5 weeks to shift and get in the locked and loaded position of head down, faced towards my butt. There he should stay till he drops and then into delivery (totally got butterflies typing that). As some of you ladies know, ultrasound technicians can't really read you the results because they aren't doctors, but I DID ask the technician how big he was measuring and she said about 33/34 weeks - I am 34 weeks! HALLELUJAH *insert Heavenly choir music here!* They faxed the results to my OB yesterday afternoon about 1:45ish, so of course I called their office at 4 just to see if the OB had read them. Long story short, either the Nurse Practitioner or my OB will call my either today or Thursday. Bet your bottom dollar I will be calling on my lunch break to see what the status is. I need to know results people!
In other baby happenings, the mister and I had our 2nd Lamaze class last night - practiced breathing and learned about the labor process from start to finish. It's all stuff I pretty much knew, but I will say, it's making me feel more nervous than prepared for the big day. Of course I'm learning great breathing techniques and it's AMAZING for Nick cause he gets to see more of the science behind timing contractions, things to do to calm me and help me focus, but.....talking about effacing and dilating and then tearing, eeeeek! I KNOW contractions and the pain are just a small part of it, but I can't help but get nervous about it. Can't I just go to sleep and then poof, he's here?

dont stress.... breath i measured almost 4 weeks behind up until delivery, and had a healthy baby girl weighing in at 6 and a half pounds. they used to send me daily for u/s an nst, but everything was fine i too worked out and ran and ate healthy, and being a size 4 when i got preggo, of course im wasnt going to have a huge baby... just remember generally tiny momma tiny baby
haha..thanks for the drawing..i was trying so hard.
lily was transverse until 37....everyday i told her no no...haha
reid so far has been head down for the past 3 visits! keep up the good work boy!
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