Please excuse the no make up and wet hair and uneven skin tone. Pregnancy is beautiful, no? ha!
How far along? 36 weeks - next week will be full term ladies!
Baby's size? Clocking in at about 18.5 inches long and 6 lbs.
Weight Gain? 24 lbs as of yesterday. Which shocked me cause the past week and a half, I have eaten Nick under the table
Stretch marks? No, and I will LOVE it if I don't get a single one on the belly.
Belly button in or out? When I sit or stand, it's out, but when I'm laying down, it's more of an innie. He has more room to move around when I lay down is my guess, so it doesn't push out the old button
Sleep? I'm tired from 2pm-whenever I go to bed, but getting comfortable is a challenge. Don't even get me started on trying to change positions in bed!
Foods I am loving? SWEETS!!! I can't stop eating sweets. I know I've said it before, but I seriously cannot resist sweets. As long as I am still eating my veggies and fruits, I'm not too worried about the indulging.

Foods I am hating? Nothing I can think of other than Chinese food
Best moment this week? Getting my 1st pelvic exam yesterday. I know it shouldn't be one of those "BEST MOMENTS, LETS SCREAM FOR JOY" times, but it was exciting to know how dilated I am (zip!) and where Troy is sitting. He's head down like a good boy and she felt his head! Way cool
Movement? Oh yeah, this little man is squirming about. He doesn't do as many jabs and kicks necessarily. I'm supposed to be doing kick counts, but I figure as long as he's moving up a storm, he's okay.
Symptoms? Honestly, this past week has been an achy one. Back pains, waking up in the middle of the night to pee and feeling like an old lady as I hold onto whatever furniture is near me to walk. Oh and let's not forget the waddle
Gender? A future Denver Bronco (if they can get their act together, ugh!)
What I miss? Caffeine, wearing normal clothes and feeling hot, running, margaritas. It's all worth it :)
What I will miss? Getting to eat things and not feel guilty, ha!
What I'm looking forward to? Getting the rest of his clothes hung up and the nursery 100% done. I will take pics, but for now, it's only about 90% done. I still need: a curtain rod, some book ends (he has quite the book collection thanks to his auntie and cousin), and some more hangers for all his clothes :)
Weekly Wisdom: Never just swing outta bed and assume you'll be able to stand up straight and take a step. Your hips and legs may have not gotten the message your about to take a step which could cause a fall to a knee :)
Milestone: Nearing the end!
Emotions: Sensitive! Nick really has to be careful with things he says, cause I will cry at the most random times and get my feelings hurt when they shouldn't be. I started crying in the car this morning listening to Carrie Underwood "So Small". SO random, but I had to change the song because I was about to screw up my make up

Baby's size? Clocking in at about 18.5 inches long and 6 lbs.
Weight Gain? 24 lbs as of yesterday. Which shocked me cause the past week and a half, I have eaten Nick under the table
Stretch marks? No, and I will LOVE it if I don't get a single one on the belly.
Belly button in or out? When I sit or stand, it's out, but when I'm laying down, it's more of an innie. He has more room to move around when I lay down is my guess, so it doesn't push out the old button
Sleep? I'm tired from 2pm-whenever I go to bed, but getting comfortable is a challenge. Don't even get me started on trying to change positions in bed!
Foods I am loving? SWEETS!!! I can't stop eating sweets. I know I've said it before, but I seriously cannot resist sweets. As long as I am still eating my veggies and fruits, I'm not too worried about the indulging.

Foods I am hating? Nothing I can think of other than Chinese food
Best moment this week? Getting my 1st pelvic exam yesterday. I know it shouldn't be one of those "BEST MOMENTS, LETS SCREAM FOR JOY" times, but it was exciting to know how dilated I am (zip!) and where Troy is sitting. He's head down like a good boy and she felt his head! Way cool
Movement? Oh yeah, this little man is squirming about. He doesn't do as many jabs and kicks necessarily. I'm supposed to be doing kick counts, but I figure as long as he's moving up a storm, he's okay.
Symptoms? Honestly, this past week has been an achy one. Back pains, waking up in the middle of the night to pee and feeling like an old lady as I hold onto whatever furniture is near me to walk. Oh and let's not forget the waddle
Gender? A future Denver Bronco (if they can get their act together, ugh!)
What I miss? Caffeine, wearing normal clothes and feeling hot, running, margaritas. It's all worth it :)
What I will miss? Getting to eat things and not feel guilty, ha!
What I'm looking forward to? Getting the rest of his clothes hung up and the nursery 100% done. I will take pics, but for now, it's only about 90% done. I still need: a curtain rod, some book ends (he has quite the book collection thanks to his auntie and cousin), and some more hangers for all his clothes :)
Weekly Wisdom: Never just swing outta bed and assume you'll be able to stand up straight and take a step. Your hips and legs may have not gotten the message your about to take a step which could cause a fall to a knee :)
Milestone: Nearing the end!
Emotions: Sensitive! Nick really has to be careful with things he says, cause I will cry at the most random times and get my feelings hurt when they shouldn't be. I started crying in the car this morning listening to Carrie Underwood "So Small". SO random, but I had to change the song because I was about to screw up my make up

you look amazing!! your whole body is a skinny minnie except for your stomach so i think you'll be just fine when he comes out!
If you ever watched girls next door, Kendra Wilkinson who had a baby was SOOO SKINNY before she was pregnant but she gained like 50+lbs and she's still got some baby fat she says..but you should be fine!
Cant wait to see pics of the room i bet it'll look adorable!!
i think you look great hun! you are all tummy! too cute!
i can't wait to see the nursery pictures!!
i hear ya on the feeling hot thing, i'm just not feeling attractive these days. boo! and i'm all about the sweets as well! bring em' on!!
I didn't get a single stretch mark either time. Go us!
Great weekly wisdom! Haha! I think this every time I step out of bed. "Just take it slow, even if you think you can do it faster." Sigh. And I'm with you on the sweetness kick, I want Chinese food. (and it hasn't agreed with me, either, but mmm, General Tso's...)
you look freakin fantastic! rock the preg bod girl!
what i'm looking forward to? sitting on the toilet w/o my belly sitting on my lap! haha
and as for pelvic exam...i never get checked anymore. I NEVER EVER DILATE UNTIL THE DAY IM IN LABOR.
my last baby i went really quick i'm hoping this one shoots out too! haha
you're looking great! the emotions will only get worse after he's born. seriously! it's so crazy. i would cry at anything...N E THING.
You look great! And if you plan on nursing you can still eat all your sweets. :)
You look so cute!!!!!
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