Thank God the Monday workday is over. It was once again a busy one where I felt like I had no time to take a breath. On top of it, I wasn't in the best mood to start Monday - my sciatic nerve is being pressed on by my bundle of joy and it's been sending a shooting pain all the way down the back of my left left and left bum cheek. I love every single one of you ladies, so I'm gonna keep it real - I am ready to have my body back. Sure, I am going to be sharing my tatas with this little guy, but I will not miss the back pain, the cramps, the feeling that I was kicked in the crotch when I wake up, the waddle and of course the squats to pick anything up (hey, I guess the bright side is I'm working on my glutes whenever I drop some post its). Moving on from Monday...
Christmas is 4 days away! WHO is ready?! ME ME ME MEEEEEE!!! Nick and I were talking about it this morning, and it's so crazy to believe we will have a son next Christmas. This is our last Christmas without kids! I think with Troy being here next Christmas will be that much more fun. Seeing his face when he see's all the beautiful twinkly lights and listening to the same Christmas music I listened to as a kid. Sure, he'll be shy of his 1st birthday next year, but he'll be old enough to be amazed by the bright little lights. I am fully ready for Christmas. This weekend I got all of Nicky poo's stocking stuffers (he has been a very good boy this year) and finished all my other gifts for the family. Then today after work I mailed off my MIL's presents so I am completely done with running around, woot woot!
I just can't not share with you all MORE exciting news - 5 (working) days until I'm on maternity/permanent leave!!

I was talking to Stephen this weekend about how I can't wait for next Christmas because it will be Charlotte's first, so even though this is our last Christmas as just the two of us, I'm not sad at all. It will be so fun!
Love that second picture. Too funny!
1- I absolutely love that picture you used of the little girl...sooooo happy!! 2- Maternity in only 5 days...woot woot!!! 3- I can't believe CHristmas is so close...I haven't finished shopping yet. Time needs to stop for a day so I can catch up
Enjoy your holidays and your maternity leave! It's totally ok to want your body back. I'm jealous because your going to get yours back a lot faster than I did. I didn't workout at all during either of my pregnancies. I enjoyed being a lazy ass. :)
what stocking stuffers did u get the boy? i need ideas :)
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