2.5 days ladies! 2.5 working days until I'm on Maternity leave. Today is my last Tuesday to work for a loooooong time. Sure I'll be working part time from home making my companies travel arrangements, but I'll be on the couch with my feet up. That is until my little man gets here, then I will probably doing less of the feet up part, ha! I already have a couple projects for when I go on Maternity Leave before Troy gets here:
1. Organize mine and Nicky poo's disastrous closet. I'm actually really excited to go through all my clothes that will soon fit again. Even my maternity pants are getting tight and my maternity shirts aren't long enough anymore - thank God for Nick's shirts, so much more comfy :)
2. Take Troy's stationary toys out of the boxes, get them in their "home" in his room (their home is his closet and/or under the crib)
3. Organize linen/book closet. It used to be organized, but now not so much
4. Organize pots and pan cupboard. Any suggestions on good ways to make it look more organized and keep it that way?
I have my work cut out for me, that's for sure!

You are going to be a busy lady!! I don't know if you have an Ikea near you but they have these wonderful pullout drawers and racks for the pots and pans covers. I am sure other places like Target does too. That is what I did in my kitchen, and it's so easy now.
Have fun with your projects!!
Oh, you do have your work cut out for you! :) I had to laugh because I received one of those many pregnancy e-mails from who knows which website about a week ago, saying, "The baby doesn't care what your kitchen shelves look like!" I haven't TOUCHED most of my kitchen cabinets since moving in here almost two years ago, yet what was I doing Christmas Eve while looking for mixing bowls and such? Saying to the hubby, "This needs to be organized!" and organizing everything in our kitchen! Sigh...
Have fun! :) You'll be so happy when it's all done. It feels great to get everything cleaned up and "ready" even if the baby won't care. :)
sooo exciting the lil babe is almost here! you must be pumped!
I have the same issue with storage for pots/pans..very annoying. Maybe get some nice baskets and put them in there to keep them organized!
Good luck and enjoy maternity leave!
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