A thinning out cervix that is. I went in for my check up and my 1st pelvic exam since I got pregnant, and it turns out Im not dialted at all. My OB said my cervix is very soft and very thin, so it'll start to happen slowly but soon. Another thing I thought was cool, was she could feel his head! She said "Oh yeah, he is low and has dropped and will stay there till it's time". I talked to her about my concern with him being transverse at the ultrasound and she said not to worry, she does not think he will move from the position he's in now (aka, the correct position), BUT if he were to move, it will be no problem moving him and moving a transverse baby is the easiest "incorrect" position to move a baby from. Thank.the. LORD! So that calmed my fears.
Everything else is peachy keen, she said my blood pressure was a little high (122 over 80), but no protein in the urine (This is a good thing), and I've gained 2lbs. The 2lbs shocks the heck outta me. I mean, I have been eating a lot these past couple of weeks since I was at the doctor last. That puts me at a total weight gain of 24 lbs. I am going to enjoy gaining some more el bee's - Christmas brings Christmas tree Reeses!!!!

Can't wait to see your new baby!
I gained 13 with my first and 25 with my second.
why would she say that your BP was high... 122/80... maybe high for you but thats totally normal BP so dont stress out about it.....
My baby was VERY low.. I think due to working out and all the squats I did upto delivery,, they could feel her at my pelvic exams as well.... when it came time to push it only took 6 pushes and 7 minutes and she came right out
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