Monday, January 17, 2011

10 days to go

Good morning loves! Since I am blogging, you all know what that means - Troy is STILL not here. That little booger is just too comfy inside his mama's tummy. That's fine, whatev. Last night I wanted to try a couple other methods I had heard about. 1 being pineapple. I heard if you eat 2-3 WHOLE pineapples, it can induce labor contractions. Well, since I am too lazy to buy whole pineapple and cut it up, I bought 2 cups of fresh cut up pineapple. I had a couple cramps, but nothing to write home about (or to send me to L&D). Theeeeen, I had heard that pumping would help. Something about stimulating the nipples. So I hooked up my trusty Medela, and away I went. I had ZERO contractions, but when I pulled it away, I saw I had caused colostrum to come out!!! Colostrum is what the baby eats for the 1st day or two until the milk comes in and it's VERY important that the baby has it. It has all sorta of nutrients in it. After a google search (and email from my mom), I stopped due to the fact that I just might deplete my colostrum supply. Soooooo, both methods were a bust! I am outta options to try. The only thing I haven't tried (and refuse to try) is Castor Oil. I am just going to sit back and wait. I know that in 10 days at the most, he is going to be here, so he'll be here soon I guess *SIIIIIIIIIIIIIGH*. Until then, I will enjoy my pregnancy as much as I can. Your only pregnant for the 1st time once, right? Right.

So welcome to Monday ladies! I hope your weekends were filled with football happiness. Who was shocked that the Pat's lost? I was, and don't like Mr. Adulator Tom Brady, so haha, that's what you get! Mondays used to be all about the baby prep classes, but confession time - Nick and I dropped out after 2 classes, EEK! We learned the main things though - breathing and we learned about the labor process from start to finish. We are such rebels :)



Heidi said...

We never did prep classes. I read alot and in the end your body knows what to do and there are nurses there to help.

If you haven't tried already ... I've heard sex is another option to induce labour. ;) n Maybe that's an old husband's tale (as opposed to an old wives tale).

Laura@The Oily Cupboard said...

nah you won't deplete the fact you can start to leak it a few months out too...
(i'm still nursing lily and i'm sure she's got some lately)

as for the castor oil...yep stay away...i've heard bad things!

i say go for sex...can't ever hurt! haha

Anonymous said...

Yep - you know about the sex causing contractions thing...been there, done that. ;)

UGH, the contractions I had the first few days after Ethan was born from pumping were worse than any I'd had during my pregnancy!

Jen said...

Hang in there girly; hopefully baby will come soon enough!

Shannon said...

Hey Love your blog!!! Good luck with the little one who will be here very soon!!!! That is so exciting! Can't wait to see your updates! Try moving around a lot, I hear that helps!

Kristin said...

Just start going on lots of walks! And bounce on a big ball. Can't wait!