...or I am training for a marathon....or I just want to fit back into my sexy Express jeans that look fabulous on my ba-donk-uh-donk? Or all of the above :) So you all know how I will be training for my 1st ever MARATHON that will take place at the end of this year (Octoberish), so I'm doing some calculating on when I can start training. At the absolute latest, I can start training the week of March 7th (have to wait the 6 weeks for intense workouts for a smooth vaginal delivery). That means, I have about 7-7.5 months to train. To my runner followers: does that sound like enough time to train for my 1st marathon? I'm not looking to break records or to even get this UH-MAZING time (it'd be nice though), just be able to complete it without dying. I am wanting to do other workouts, such as lift weights, cross train, kick my butt in XBike class again. So, I have googled a butt ton of beginner marathon training schedules that would fit what I am looking for, but nothing too aggressive in a short amount of time. So....here it is - my 20 week program

On the cross training days I plan on either doing a 30 minute XBike class or weights. I am sure there are going to be days that I will opt for resting rather than the Cross training, which is to be expected - I'm gonna have a wittle baby after all! Who will be accompanying me on most of these runs in his brand new jogging stroller (thanks to his Gma and Pa-gee <--- pa-g is what my niecey poo came up with when she was a baby and was trying to say grandpa, so why change it?)

{this is the exact color and all. I LUUUURVE it!!}
Soooooo excited {and scared!} about March. I am looking forward to some crazy training. I've only ran 10K's and 5K's. Any suggestions from you seasoned runners? Can I also just thrown in, that I cannot wait to proudly display that "26.2" decal on my car? Just so I can brag to all the other cars I zoom past.

Wow! Good luck with the training and the marathon. The length of time you have set up for yourself in order to train sounds good. I'm too chicken to run a marathon, so I throw as many positive vibes I can your way. :) Good luck with everything!
Im sure you will do fine... just remember smooth or not your body will have just gone through some major trauma.. so dont push yourself to hard... which reace are you running ? Im running underarmours race in oct
You will do!
Looks like a good plan. Starts off nice and easy and you can adapt it as you go along. Even if you only run 3X/wk to start that will be fine.
One thing to think about ... I don't know much about those jogging strollers, but I think baby has to be able to sit up with reasonable strength before you use them. That would probably be at least 4-6 months. Like I said, I'm not sure of that, but you might want to research it to be sure. That way you'll know how much you can rely on that.
I love that you are planning to run a marathon, and I am just hoping I can manage a 5k and MAYBE a 10k after the baby comes and before the year is out! You go, girl!
How is the training? I did my first full last december and it was definitely a journey worth taking. Just be sure to LISTEN to your body. It will tell you when you need to back it off...and I saw a Sports Doctor for my entire training (I've done 5 halfs and 1 full), I'd highly recommend their help if you have any aches or pains! GOOD LUCK! PS, the 26.2 sticker? Worth every mile.
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