Good morning cupcakes! I've been in nesting mode for awhile now, but today I'm really doing a number on the place to make it sparkle. Maybe it just hasn't been living up to Troy's standards and he's just been waiting for a nice clean place to come home to? Or maybe he is waiting till I make a nice batch of brownies with some chocolate frosting, to make his appearance? I'll see what I can do little buddy :)
Other than cleaning, it's the same ol' day for me - took my 3 laps around the apartment complex, responding to work emails/booking travel arrangements, and I'll probably go for another walk sometime soon. I noticed something HORRIBLE last night. You girls know how hard it has been not being able to work out to my full potential. Not in an unhealthy way, it's just working out is a passion of mine and I enjoy it. Well, last night after getting out of the shower, I noticed I have...CHUB RUB! Dun Dun DUUUUUN!! Yes, my inner thighs are starting to touch, blah! I'm also rocking 2 brand spankin new stretch marks. Sexy, no? Sure their tiny, but me no likey. I ordered some Maderma the other day after reading great reviews. It says in 12 weeks they'll be unnoticeable to the naked eye. Well that's fabulous because I have a Mexico trip coming up and I REFUSE to give up bikini's with I'm only 24. Could Troy come out now and save his mother's body PUHLEASE!? I'm planning on taking some post partum pics of my belly after seeing a couple other girls doing the same. I think it's a great way to show other women what you'll look like right after birth. I'm tired of seeing these Gisele Buasduhasdashd (or however you spell her name) type girls walking around with their tight abs when supposedly they just gave birth.
I thought I'd get your opinion on another little gem - Miss Megan Fox. I used to think she was SUPER gorgeous and her face still is to me. Buuuuut, if I were a dude or lesbian, I'd prefer a little more meat on my women. What do you guys think? This is her new Armani underwear ad and below that is a pic the paparazzi got of her vacationing recently.
{Picture from here}
{Picture from here}
Another random tid bit about Ms. Fox. I guy I went to Elementary school all the way through HS was in a commercial with her. He was such a nerd in Elementary school and now look at him trading oo lala looks with a Fox (Pun intended :) )

I have noticed the chub rub, too, which makes me sad because I was only without it for a while before I got pregnant since I was still losing weight and everything. No fear, though, I know you will get your body back!
she is SUUUUPER skinny..needs maybe 5 pounds to look a bit healthier but damnn she is soo pretty!
I think you will be back to bein a skinny minnie in no time! Hope the baby comes soon!! :) :)
Girl.. your pregnant.. and with that comes CHUB RUBB!!!!!! LOL
It will go away shortly dont you worry.My legs actually got skinnier after pregnancy... prolly all that walking with a crying baby all night long
I bet he is waiting for those brownies lol! I took after pictures, because you're right it's not all glamorous and OMG she is so tiny and JUST gave birth! I love that you are still so active it will pay off in the delivery room and the healing after, I promise you that!
She is WAY too kinny. Like, gross skinny. But absolutely love her face. Gorgeous!
I agree, she is emaciated looking!
Please post belly pics post partum, I recently found out I'm pregnant and I also run a lot so I'm super curious to see what your belly will look like as it goes back down!
pretty sure i have chub rub right now and i'm only 26 weeks! haha!
like you i want to take pics of my belly right after baby and keep doing so, i think it will be good motivation to get myself back into shape.
and i agree megan fox is way too thing, ick!!
Good luck with the Mederma. I heard great things about it, so I bought it for acne scars I have, and HOOOOLY cow, I've never had a more irritated face in my entire life. It itched and burned SO BADLY, even when I washed it off, I had to put vitamin E oil on it. That was on my face, though - I hope you have better luck!
& LOL at the brownies comment...yum! Worth a try! :)
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