At 11:21 on Monday night, Mister Troy Maximus was born.

He weighed in at 7lbs 15 ounces and was 18 inches long. He is perfect and I know every mom says that about their baby, but it's true!! He only cries if he is hungry or dirty diaper (we've already had his 1st poopy diaper, woo hoo!!!) The actual labor was pretty easy (After I got my epidural of course). I started having contractions that were lasting about 30-45 seconds on average and were 2-3 minutes apart at 6:30AM. Nick didn't know if he should go to work or not, but I insisted he should just in case this was just false labor or something. So he went to work, I showered and did my hair and make up. If this was "it" , I wanted to at least look okay haha! It wasn't the worlds best shower like I was hoping. I was hoping for hot water, but for some reason, our water heater is dumb, and I was only gettimg luke warm water, blah! So after shaving and getting "possible hospital ready", I got out, blow dried my hair and straightened all while timing my contractions with the handy dandy app, Contraction Timer. My contractions were moving to about 1.5-2 minutes apart and were lasting longer and getting more painful. So I IM'd Nick and told him to get his bootay home and I thought "this was it" !!
At about 9:00AM, Nick got home, I instructed him what to grab (as he was trying to keep his cool), and off we went to the hospital. After getting into the uber sexy backless gown, it was in the bed and hooked up to the contraction monitor and a monitor for watching Troy's heart rate. Then, the nurse (Who was amazing! Nurse Avery was her name), went to call my OB to tell her what the situation was. Nick and I were talking about how we'd both be shocked if they sent me home. Nurse Avery came back in after talking to my OB, and they both agreed to admit me. Thank. GOD because I would have had no idea when the heck I should come in if my contractions were already killing me like they were. Nurse Avery checked me and I was about 1-2cm, but my cervix was thinned out between a 5cm dilation and a 10cm if that makes sense.
The pain was becoming more and more intense, and I can't even explain what it felt like (plus I don't wanna freak you soon to be mom's out). I will say, it was a pain no one could have described accurately to me. Its just something you have to experience. Some women can handle it and have higher pain tolerance than I do, so an epidural isn't really necessary. Not the case for me. I am a total baby. So I made a little deal with myself, that I can only get an epidural once I reached at least 4cm. Long story short, I did it :) Well, technically I was only 3 3/4 dilated, but close enough. I had an amazing anethestesioligst and I barely felt the pinch from the numbing shot. Personally for me. I will never go through child birth naturally. It just wasn't for me, and I am not someone who can look and concentrate past the pain. An hour or two later, I was dilated to 4-5cm and they weren't seeing the progress they wanted (they wanted stronger contractions). So, they decided to break my water. Once they did that, they discovered my water (aka the amniotic fluid), had meconimum (babies poo) in it. Troy wasn't showing any stress whatsoever, so it wasn't an emergency to get him out, but they wanted to start flushing out the sac to get rid of as much as possible and give me some pitocin to get the show on the road. Some time went by, and I was able to nap for about an hour, when I was checked again (about 10:45pm). The nurse looked at the other nurse in the room, and they couldn't believe it. I was 9.5cm dilated and it was time to get Troy Maximus out. He was so low, they didn't think Id have to push long at all. Well they were right. After the doctor, respiratory therapist, and nurses were set to go, I started to push at 11:05pm. 15 minutes, 5 sets of 3 HUGE pushes, Troy Maximus broke into this world (giving his mama the tiniest tear only acquiring 4 stitches. Thank you, son!). He was whisked over to the Respiratory Therapist to get his lungs suctioned out before he took his 1st breath and sucked in meconium while I laid there looking on to him and as my OB sewed me up and I finished up "my business" <---- all you mama's know what that means :) I could hear them suctioning out his longs with what sounds like a dentists suction thingy- ma- bob, and then I heard the most beautiful thing - my son's whimpering cry. I started crying uncontrollably, looking up at Nick, in awe that we just made life. Nick went over right when he started crying to watch them clean our son off and so Nick would finish trimming up the umbilical cord. After being sewn up and getting some skin to skin time with Troy, it was time for my family to come in. They were in the waiting room the whole time and were amazing to see with Troy. There is something about having the people around you that you love during such a special moment, that can't be explained. Even though they weren't in the room for much of the labor, I am so happy they were there. It was very comforting just knowing they were there. They were exhausted and only stayed for a bit before they left. Today after being discharged, it was great having them come by to see Troy. So there you have it ladies - the birth story in a nut shell. As you can all imagine, I am pooped. As a new mommy, I am not getting much sleep, but I couldn't do it without Nick. He is such an amazing support. I wouldn't trade this for the world, I can't even tell you or explain the love I have for my little man. The hormones are most definitely in full force, as I've already had 3 crying sessions at the drop of a hat. Without further adoo, here are some pictures of the big day and my little man
Epidurals are amazing!
Congratulations!! He is beautiful!! Glad everything went well for you too! Enjoy your new bundle of joy.
Congrats again, Mom & Dad!!
KARLI CONGRATS!!!!! Troy, welcome to the world!!
I'm glad you had an easy labor. I'm sure you and Nick will make wonderful parents. Troy is very lucky.
I'm so excited to hear your new mommy stories! I feel like it was yesterday you were telling us you were preggo. Time flew!
My cousin that had her due date around the same time as you, texted me this morning saying she was on the way to the hospital so her little boy will arrive tonight or tomorrow :)
yayyy babies all around!
I hope you get some good sleep at some point. <3
Congratulations, Karli!! I’ve been reading along for a long time, and am so happy and excited to hear how well everything went!
Troy is a gorgeous baby, and you did a wonderful job!
CONGRATS!!! Sounds like you had a great delivery :)
I had every intention of getting an epidural, but my delivery happened too fast for it. When i asked for it they told me "uhh hunny the baby is coming now, you're just gonna have to do this" Now 5 yrs later I don't even remember the pain :D
YAY!!! He's sooooooooo cute Karli! Congrats to you & your hubby!!! It's going to be the most AMAZING adventure of your lives. Congrats! Congrats! Congrats!!!
Congratulations! Seems everything was smooth sailing for you!
He's adorable :)
Congrats to you and Dad! Epidurals are awesome! Contractions are the worst, aren't they? Both of my deliveries were similar to yours. I'm glad everything went smoothly. Rest as often as you can. :)
congratulations, he's handsome!
Congrats girl! He is beautiful!! Catch up on your sleep when you can...no hurry to get back here. We'll still be here waiting on you and Troy!!
Yay!!! Congratulations!
I had a feeling you had little man! Did you deliver at MSJ? If yes, I did too!
Love your birth story!
Congrats babe, he is beautiful!
Congratulations!! He is beautiful and I'm glad you're doing well and labor went smoothly for you!! And I am very impressed that you have already written your labor story. You will be so glad you did it while it is so fresh in your mind. Congrats again and enjoy this sweet time!
Congrats on being a new mommy!!!!
Aww yay!!! Congratulations! He's so handsome!
Congrats! He is precious! I am so glad that you are doing well too!
Congratualtions! I have been following your blog since August and enjoyed being able to read about your progress. Enjoy your new time as a mom.
Congratulations Mommy! He's beautiful!
Congrats Karli and Nick on the safe arrival of Troy Maximus! So happy to hear that he is here and that all went well. Hoping that he cooperates and that you get some rest. Hormones are wild, wild little things and the random crying fits is totally normal and does eventually get better. Enjoy your cuddles! Can't wait for more pictures.
He is adorable, congrats Momma! I am so happy that labor was fast and pretty painless for you, that is the best :) I agree the epidural was for me also with all 3 kids, but with my 3rd I didn't need it until it was almost too late to get one!
I'm glad your labor was easy. I'm a firm believer that working out makes it so much easier. I worked out up until 2 days before I had my baby and I had a quick and easy labor too!
Many many congrats! I've been thinking of you guys! And I don't blame you, why NOT get the epidural?!
Congratulations on what seems like the easiest delivery known to women!
Awww, YAY! I knew from your lack of posting it had to happen before your induction date. So glad he's here! Enjoy it, new mama. :)
Congratulations!!! So glad all is well with everyone!
He is lovely, congrats! I love that you mentioned you only had a little tear...that is one of my huge fears when it comes to childbirth. Glad it all went so well for you both. ☺
Awww Karli!! I just started crying reading this I'm so happy for you and your new family! Congrats on your new little guy! Can't wait to see more photos..
Beautiful - Congratulations Karli!
Enjoy every minute...
oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh...he is FINALLY here!!!! i am so excied and happy for you guys!! he looks perfect and is so little and adorable!!
congrats mommma!!! i can't wait to see more pictures! rest while you can sweets and enjoy your little guy to the fullest :)
p.s. i was thinking about you this morning, i just knew your little guy had of been born earlier in the week!
Congrats! He's adorable and your makeup looks fabulous in the photo! :)
YAY...little Troy is here!! So happy for your little family. He is adorable. Can't wait for more pictures:)
Congratulations!! He's beautiful!
Yay congratulations!!! Epidurals are a beautiful thing
Congrats! He's such a handsome little fella! Welcome to Mommyhood, I know you'll love it!
Yay! I was wondering if you'd had him when you hadn't posted in a while! Loved reading the story, and I am so glad you and Troy are doing well!
hey it doesn't matter how they come out in the end...as long as they come out! haha
great job momma! the wait was worth it huh?!!! he sounds perfect!
i'd say rest up...but i'll say that again in about 6m...you'll feel yourself again!
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