Top of the morning to ya ladies! I have been wide awake since the early hour of 3:30. Another restless night and I'm still not tired. I'm not even tired enough to nap during the day. I know I need to get sleep before Troy arrives, but unless there is a baby safe form of wine, I don't see myself conking out anytime soon.
Today I'm heading over to Bestie Bon Bon Jenni's house to catch up. We haven't seen each other and/or had a real long conversation since my baby shower, so that is not okay. I'm bringing over some S'bux and catch up we shall. Then I have to make a pit stop over at Motherhood Maternity. I'm having my maternity shoot (better late than never, right?) tomorrow afternoon and I want to get a couple things, even if I'm due any day, just so I feel fresh for the shoot, so I'll be sure to show you all the loot I get! Maybe I'll just keep the tags on and return the clothes the next day?'s a thought. Working from home has been keeping me busier than I thought it would, so after my fun time, I'll have some work time and clean up time. I tell ya, I just can't sit still! Does this mean Troy is coming really really soon?

You're super luck that you can work at home through your maternity leave.
can't wait to see the maternity photo shoot pictures!
sorry to hear you are not getting much sleep hun :(
glad you are getting in a visit with the bestie! have fun doing your maternity shoot!! hope you find some cute stuff to wear! :)
3:00 or 3:30 seems to be my magic awake time, as well, and it stinks! I wish I could say it didn't make me tired, but I feel tired every day after I've been up for hours the night before.
Have fun getting at your photo shoot!
i remember the annoying! i know i needed to catch up on some major zz's before our son arrived, but it was impossible!
can't wait to see the photos from your maternity shoot!
You better post the pics from your photo shoot. Girl, you seriously have the most beautiful blog! Hope you get some major sleep tonight!!
I would totally return the clothes. I hope the shoot goes great!
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