So the doctor appointment was a success! I was dilated and I was able to get my membranes stripped - WOOT WOOT! When she stripped them though, OUCHIE!! It was not a comfortable experience whatsoever! Since my cervix has been closed throughout this whole pregnancy, I had never felt her IN my cervix. Well today, I did and OOOOO boy. It felt like INTENSE pressure and period cramps. I mean to the MAX. She was pushing down on my stomach at one point with her fingers still in there, and she asked if I could feel what she was pushing down on? I told her I couldn't fee specifically WHAT she was touching, but I could definitely feel her in there haha. She said she was touching the top of his head :) It made me so happy and jealous she could feel him. I shoulda asked if she could feel hair ;-) After she was done she said I am about 1.5-2cm dilated and to get dressed and come to her office so we could discuss future appointments. Once I got dressed and sat down, she quickly scheduled me 2 Non Stress Tests for Troy and my induction date. The first non stress test is the 21st, then I have one the 25th, and theeeeeen ladies and gents, the absolute latest day for me to go into labor will be: JANUARY 27TH at 6AM SHARP! Exactly 2 weeks (aka 14 days) from today. I was sorta disappointed that it's so far away, but my OB said that since my cervix isn't fully effaced, she'd rather give it some more time. If we induced sooner when it wasn't ready (knocking at a locked door she called it), then I could be in labor for 2-3 days rather than just 1 day. She also said that since she'd like to see me deliver vaginally, being in labor for longer than 24 hours, my chances of a C Section are greater. We shall see if I make it till the 27th. With my membranes being stripped, I've heard women can go into labor anywhere between immediately to 48 hours. Being the kind thoughtful woman I am, I am going to help move that process along any way I can. So I am pumping up my exercise ball and sitting on it (opens pelvic muscles), I am eating pizza for dinner that has spicy pepperoni, sausage, hamburger meat, and onions. I am also going to load it up with some hot sauce (covering the "spicy induces labor" myth). I took a few laps already around my apartment complex and walked around Costco and Motherhood Maternity, so let's hope Troy gets the hint already. We want him out!

How exciting!! Only two more weeks? One question though what are the non stress tests for?
Hey Katie - They make sure his heart rate is okay, and he isn't pooping in his amniotic fluid :) Pretty much just make sure he doesnt need to come out sooner rather than later.
Oh my gosh you must be soooo excited!! I can't wait to see what your little guy looks like!!
Some progress is better than none! And exciting that he will be in your arm in just 2 weeks or LESS!!!
yayy!! Hes going to be here soo soon!!
Oooh, ouchie!! But so excited for you!!! Let's hope he comes sooner. We're all waiting to meet Troy!
Two words: castor oil. Both my sister and I went into the labor the very next day after taking a spoonful.
when ur in labor it really really hurts when they check ur cervix...haha
don't laugh but get a breast pump out and practicing pumping...ur body sometimes jump starts labor..."Pumping causes the release of oxytocin, the natural form of Pitocin, and can stimulate labor." i did it w/#4 and i went from a 1-3 in 30 mins. i didn't pump that long...just about 8 mins! :o)
Sounds like it hurt - but hopefully he will make his debut soon!! I'll be thinking about you!
I'm a long time follower - love your blog! :)
Ha I love it! Let's hope all that food and hot sauce works for ya!
I believe that having my membranes stripped totally worked for me. I had them stripped on a Thursday and was holding my baby on Saturday. Super excited for you!!!!!!!!!!!!
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