Because I share EVERYTHING with you guys and have been totally honest with my pregnancy, I have to share something that happened to me this morning. I have had a few "bathroom breaks" if you will this morning. I've heard your body goes into "cleaning out" mode when it's preparing for labor, so I'm assuming that's what that was. When I went to wipe (which is so hard to do when I have a huge belly blocking my view), I felt something. Something very wet. Without going into too much detail, it was my mucus plug!! Oh.my.gosh! Poor Nick, I was iChatting with him and I rushed to the computer (with my pants down, yes) and typed to him what was going on and I went as far as explained every detail. Again, poor Nick. It's a good thing I can cook his favorite meals like no one else's business. So anyways, the whole entire mucus plug is gone! I know it's supposed to regenerate (fabulous), but still, this is HUGE for me. I immediately googled what that meant, and it said this means labor is going to follow pretty soon, BUT it could also mean labor wont start for another 3 weeks. Wellllll, that's all fine and dandy, BUT I don't think they are taking into account women like me: Officially DUE, and after today I'll be late, and I had my membranes scraped yesterday. I've had 3 contractions today, a handful of Braxton Hicks and some cramping. Maybe by the end of this weekend? Any other mama's have experience with this? What does this mean?!

I had my membranes stripped, the next day I lost my mucus plug, and the very next day my water broke. Hope it happens soon for you.
I think I lost my mucus plug no more than 48 hours before the birth of my kids. Can't remember exactly but it wasn't long.
At the stage you are at, every hour feels so long. But .. he will be here soon.
I had my membranes stripped twice.. the first time nothing really... the second time I started bleeding at the doctors office and contractions on the ride home...
went home they calmed down.. next morning lost MP..
then I took the advice from friends... HOT food, HOT shower, HOT sex... went into labor that night.
YAYYY! Progress! I am on pins and needles waiting for the big post... :)
Walking, sex and spicy foods... get to it!
I wish i had any advice! I had my membranes stripped three weeks in a row- and nothing happened and my son was induced two weeks after my due date so I never lost my mucus plug or any of that. Fingers grossed for this weekend!!
sounds to me like baby is coming soon!!!
hopefully he is here this weekend!! :)
I have no kids but good luck and hope you have your baby soon :)
My membranes were stripped, the next day I had a few BH contractions, then lost my MP, and the next morning my water broke. I hope this is the beginning!! YAY!!
Hi there, I'm new to the blogging world.
I had mine stripped and then 23 hours later my water broke. I lost my MP a week before that. Any day now!
Well I have no advice, but it sounds like from the ladies above that it could be very soon! Can't wait to read that Troy is here!
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