Happy Friday cupcakes! I went for a little jog around the apartment complex (and felt amazing!) to see if I could get Troy to want to come out. Nothing yet. A couple cramps, but that's nothing new. Last night I was able to sleep for about 7.5 hours, then I was up and ready to go at 3:30. 39 weeks and I'm ready to go!
{Obviously not Troy, but I thought it was cool}
Today's date: January 7, 2011
How far along: 39 weeks
Total weight gain: According to my doctor appointment yesterday, 28lbs exactly so far. Not too shabby. My weight has yo-yo'd throughout the whole pregnancy. As long as my little man is growing and healthy, I'm happy.
Size and growth of the baby: From babycenter.com , he is the size of a watermelon, 19-21 inches, 6-8 pounds. Baby's brain is still developing rapidly, and his skin has taken on a paler shade thanks to a thicker layer of fat around the blood vessels. He's now able to flex his limbs, and his nails might extend past his fingertips. He's waiting to greet the world! *And this mama is ready to meet him!!* I've also grown 1cm with the fundamental height, so he's getting longer :)
What's happening to mama this week: Hang in there, you're almost done! (Are you sure about that? Cause according to my doctor yesterday, there is no progress, booooo!)
Sex: Mister Troy Maximus
Maternity clothes: My maternity clothes barely fit. Until he shows his beautiful face it's all maternity leggings, uggs and hoodies. Or yoga pants and a hoodie and uggs. Or just nothing. Lucky Nick haha
Sleep: This past week is ridiculous with sleeping. The first 3 days of this week, I slept maybe 3 hours a day with tons of energy. Then the rest of the week, I'm out all night, with the exception of my pee breaks every hour
Best moment(s) of the week: Starting maternity leave! I know I couldn't be at work. My mind is just everywhere and my belly gets in the way, so it takes me about an extra 20-30 minutes to do something that should take 10.
Movement: Strong kicks in the ribs. Yesterday I was swearing he bruised or even cracked my right side rib cage.
Food cravings/aversions: Nothing much. Actually, even my sweet cravings have toned down a bit, which I'm really hoping disappear by the time he's out. I have to get bikini ready for Mexico in Spring and the uncontrollable sweet cravings I had/have, are too crazy. I will admit, for the past 2 weeks I have been craving my mama's lemon meringue pie. Thankfully I have the best mommy and she is going to make it for me this weekend :)
Morning sickness: Not at all. I've had 1-2 waves of nausea during day time, but nothing major and it doesn't really bug me.
Symptoms: Everything they talk about towards the end of pregnancy
Labor signs: Contractions, cramps, lower back pain, etc.
Belly button in or out: I'm just gonna say it's an in and out (not the burger joint). It depends on how he is laying
What I miss: Sleeping on my stomach, my pre pregnancy body, margaritas, wine. All the fun adult stuff
What I'm looking forward to: To go into labor!

Gosh, so close. Enjoy these last days of peace and relaxation;)
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